Do Your Drapes Emit Fumes?

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Why do my new drapes smell funny? Is this a clean air issue?

Do Your Drapes Emit Fumes?

Did you know that new drapes are often treated with a formaldehyde-based finish? It's true; your drapes can emit irritating fumes for a time. You will need to be aware of your air cleaner's capacity for handling fumes, and operate it at a higher level than usual until you feel confident the fumes are gone. It's also a very good idea to air your new drapes outdoors or in a garage area to dissipate some of the odors. Once the new drapes are hung, make sure the area is well ventilated. A properly-rated air cleaner is perfect for situations like these, but if you are using portable air filters which can't handle fumes or vapors, you may need to air out the new drapes for a while longer before hanging. Check your air filter's owner manual to be sure.



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