Renting With Mold

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I rent and have mold problems. Help!

Renting With Mold

Those who rent rather than own their own homes may feel they have no choice but to put up with mold problems, but fortunately that is simply not true. To start, you should take control of your own living space with a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers come in various sizes and power ranges that are appropriate for small apartments or rental spaces. Follow all the recommended mold control guidelines for your living space. Here are some basic tips to follow to help combat mold:

-Replace moldy shower curtains
-Clean mold from surfaces underneath sinks, behind your fridge, etc.
-If you have mold in the carpeted areas of your rental unit, you will need to get in touch with your landlord or building superintendent to fix the problem.
-When reporting mold problems, be sure to report where you encountered the mold, the presence and location of any leaks, high humidity and excessive moisture, and other unusual circumstances that may be contributing to the problem.



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