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In the 1970s, an energy crisis forced people to give serious consideration to ways to conserve energy, and consequently, reduce air pollution. The best solution at that time was carpooling.
In a time when gasoline prices are on a steady climb, and global warming is a very real concern, why don't more people carpool? The problem is that many people don't know how to get a carpool started.
Those living in major cities who want to save money and control air pollution should post ads on company Intranet site and in company break rooms. In your ad describe the neighborhood where you live, and the route you take to work. Tell people to join you in your efforts to car pool. It may sound strange, but nobody wants to feel like they are the first to sign on with you! In a matter of weeks or months, you could have a full car, each person sharing gas expenses and treating the environment to three or four fewer cars on the road.
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