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Sources say that Americans spend roughly 90 percent of their time indoors. Did you know that EPA studies indicate indoor pollution can be two to five times higher than outdoor pollution levels? This statistic sends people out of the house in search of air purification solutions, but you may need to speak to an indoor air specialist first to get the right kind of equipment, take the necessary steps, and get on the right track in cleaning up your air. If you need to get in touch with an indoor air specialist, start with the EPA's Indoor Air Quality Hotline. The hotline can give you current state and federal information about your particular indoor air environment.
In addition to this help, many states offer toll-free calls to indoor air specialists, so you should call your state EPA customer service call center after calling the EPA main number. Between these two sets of experts you may be able to identify the main indoor air issues in your home, how they occur, and what you can do about them.
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